Fake (what comes after Baudrillard)
room-size, multimedia installation

what is real, the thing or the reflection of a thing, or both?
what can be felt,
what can be touched,
what can exist,
without light?

Real Fake, 2022, plastic
9 x 7 x 1in
The theory of Real-Fake *
Exploring the nature of plastic and hyper-imaginaries.
Real-fake theory posits that humans of this age, are ultimately dealing in a hyper-imaginary situated within the substrate of tech, social biology and consumer behavior. Not to be confused with the hyperreal of Baudrilliard. ** The existence of our self-made hyper-imaginary depends upon rapid evolutionary changes fueled by ecstasy-inducing platforms. The imaginary exists until natural causes disrupt or destroy humans' planned environments. Environments include the physical, ideological, technical and social.
The global pandemic of this epoch is a significant, natural, all encompassing, worldwide event that pierces and exposes the total, real-fake environment of our current age. Until we forget.
* the artist's working theory
** "the generation by models of a real without origin or reality" (Baudrillard, 1983)