Creating Conditions for a Conversation
Skin Samples I and II
Gallery 1010, Knoxville, TN
McColl Center for Art + Innovation, Charlotte, NC
Interactive dialogue concerning the boundary between self and world.
A Tale of Two Cities
McColl Center for Art + Innovation
Charlotte, NC
an Art Place America, creative place-making initiative
Multiple artists contributed projects designed to elevate the voices of housing vulnerable citizens in the North Tryon Corridor. These citizens live and receive services within a one-mile radius of the art center.
Workshops I and II
Building Trust and Empathy through Performance Art Exercises
with McColl Center Staff and Artists in Residence
Workshop II
More Empathy Exercises, Making Gifts
+ Building an Altar for Reflection
McColl Staff, Artists-in-Residence and volunteers create blank journals for use by women in crisis at the Center of Hope, Charlotte, NC
Video by Basic Cable, Charlotte, NC
Community Make Day
Co-founders: David Jessup, April Marten, C3 Lab, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
iMake Logo Design: Maria Nocik